Edit Verification Email Template

This template helps you personalize the email that is sent to the buyer if you want them to validate/edit the voice to text transcription of their product review.


Path To Access:

  1. Go to “Settings” tab of EpicApp Reviews.
  2. Go to “Review Editing / Validation Settings” section.
  3. Click on “Edit Verification email Template” option.
Email Preview:

The changes that you do in individual components of the template are visible in real time in this section. You can preview the changes and finalize accordingly.

Subject & Email Body:

Personalize the subject line and email body text using these options. You can use the <shortcodes> as well, which will be replaced with actual data in the email.


The product details along with review collected (via smart call) will automatically be placed after the email body. So, you don’t need to mention the same specially in the email body.


Button Text , Button Text Color & Button Background Color:

The options can be used to customize the text, text color and background color of the button. Changes done are visible in real time in the “Email Preview” section.


Add Unsubscribe block to this email template:

When the checkbox is selected, an un-subscription link is added at the end of validation email. The users who unsubscribe from the emails, will not be sent further emails in the future. The full list of unsubscribed customers can be found in Customers > Email Subscription Status.


Send Sample Email to Test the Created Template:

Although live preview of the template is visible in the “Email Preview” section, still if you wish to see how actual email looks when delivered to the customer, you can provide an email address here and created template will be delivered to your provided email.


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